Buck Ridge Injured Snowmobilers


On March 19, 2025, Gallatin County 911 Dispatch received a call for a snowmobile accident in which two snowmobilers had struck a tree and were seriously injured. GCSSAR, Big Sky Team and Gallatin County Sheriff’s Office deputies responded.

GCSSAR Big Sky volunteers deployed resources including hasty teams, a Snowbulance, and an Orion rescue sled. When they arrived at the scene on the accident, they found one of the patients was in a deteriorating medical condition. Search and Rescue called for LifeFlight medical helicopter, who responded and landed the helicopter on the groomed snowmobile trail. The patient was flown to Bozeman Health Deaconess Regional Medical Center. The second patient was transported by ground to the trailhead. The second patient was transferred into the care of Big Sky Fire Department and was transported to Big Sky Medical Center.

The Big Sky Section of Search and Rescue received tremendous assistance from a group of volunteer firefighters and other bystanders who were recreating in the area. Sheriff Dan Springer would like to thank all the bystanders who had taken time to receive medical training and who jumped into action to help other backcountry users in their time of need.

In addition, the injured snowmobilers were wearing all the appropriate equipment including full face helmets and goggles. Wearing the proper equipment for the sport likely prevented this terrible accident from having deadly consequences.