

The Gallatin Media Center Project consists of two components.  The core mechanism is an email distribution list for media releases to be distributed through.  By having a central email distribution list, it allows all agencies to have a current distribution list for the media outlets in our community.  This system also allows the media outlets to add new staff to a single list.  By default, only approved senders can send email to this list.

The second component is this website.  The common website allows any agency to post public information easily and in a common location.  When large incidents occur that have multiple agencies involved, it is very beneficial to have a common site for information to be posted on.  Anything posted on the website is also automatically email to our media outlet distribution list.


To subscribe to our Media Distribution List, simply send an email to, from the email account that you want to receive updates at.  You will automatically receive an email back asking you to confirm you subscription request.  Follow the instructions in the email to complete the setup (this second response from you helps filter out the spam by requiring a human response).  The simplest action to confirm is to just reply to this email.  You will then receive a second email welcoming you to the list.  Please make sure that is in your approved senders list.

The list can also be viewed at